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Production performance module

IDOM, through the adoption of the international OEE standard, provides the controller with a set of efficient and immediate indicators to optimize production, minimize costs and guarantee business continuity .


Plant availability is an immediate value for understanding the impact of unplanned stops in a production process.
The reduction in the number of plant downtimes implies a reduction in energy consumption and a greater flow rate.


The working speed of the production plant, in relation to the nominal speed, is an important driver for understanding whether the mode of use (settings, batches of raw material, etc.) is suitable or there is room for improvement.
The increase in performance implies a reduction in energy consumption and a greater flow rate.


Quality is a fundamental parameter for understanding the impact of waste/non-compliant products in the production process.
Waste represents a cost for different contexts (energy, raw material, production time).

Using an OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) monitoring module offers numerous benefits to companies looking to improve the performance of their plants. Here are some examples:

  1. Improvement of efficiency: identification of the factors that limit the efficiency of the systems, allowing the company to intervene and improve their performance .
  2. Cost reduction: the company can identify plant inefficiencies and take measures to reduce production costs, increasing the company’s profitability .
  3. Greater plant availability: tracing the causes of any interruptions or plant shutdowns, allowing the necessary measures to be taken to guarantee their availability.
  4. Quality improvement: Identification of the causes of defects or inefficiencies in production, allowing measures to be taken to improve product quality.
  5. Improvement of safety: identification of any problems or malfunctions of the systems, helping to improve their safety.
  6. Greater competitiveness: increase in efficiency and consequently, increase one’s competitiveness on the market.


In summary, the use of an OEE monitoring module offers numerous advantages to companies, allowing them to improve plant efficiency, reduce production costs, improve product quality, increase safety of the plants and the competitiveness of the company

Measurable timing and impact areas of indices

grafico oee
Leak OEE factor
Schedule Loss Excluded from the OEE calculation (relates to the TEEP calculation).
Availability Loss
  • Availability is the ratio of actual execution time to planned production time.
  • Takes into account machine failures (unplanned stops), start-up stops and program changes (planned stops)
  • 100% availability means a process running during the scheduled slot without any downtime (i.e., no interruptions).
Average Minimum Demand
  • Performance is the ratio of net execution time to actual execution time.
  • Idling and Minor Stops (small stops) and Reduced Speed ​​(production speed lower than the planned speed) contribute to the calculation.
  • A performance value of 100% indicates that the production process is carried out at its theoretical maximum speed
Quality Loss
  • Quality is the ratio between full productivity time and net execution time.
  • It takes into account production waste and the reduced yield attributable to start-up waste.
  • A 100% Quality value indicates the absence of waste or parts that require rework.

Improve OEE by eliminating the Six Big Losses


The calculation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness allows us to plan maintenance engineering activities in such a way as to reduce inefficiencies and production losses.

A good starting point for improving the effectiveness of a system is to eliminate the Six Big Losses. Each of these Six Big Losses is in fact correlated to at least one of the three indicators that make up Overall Equipment Effectiveness.

Let’s look in more detail at the Six Big Losses that have a direct impact on production and how we can eliminate them:

OEE FACTOR Six Big Losses Post
Availability Unplanned stops Eliminate machine downtime

Every machine downtime translates into a decrease in the availability rate. The most common method to eliminate or at least reduce downtime is to prepare adequate maintenance plans and preventive maintenance actions in order to limit the number of failures of our equipment and monitor the status of our assets.

Planned stops Speed ​​up set-up and adjustment times

Speeding up or reducing the number of activities that lead to plant stops or micro-stops for set-up operations, for example, allows us to increase plant availability.

Performance Small stops Minimize micro-stops

Minor interruptions, which cannot be classified as downtime, can cause production losses which, added together, sometimes lead to a non-negligible reduction in the performance of a system.

Slow cycles Solve production speed issues

Sometimes plants deviate from expected production levels for a variety of reasons. When this deviation begins to become significant, it is best to look for the cause and correct the malfunction.

Quality Production rejects Minimize process defects

It involves correcting errors and problems in the product production process to limit the number of non-compliant pieces and therefore increase the Quality indicator score.

Startup rejects Prevent periods of reduced production

It occurs when a machine is not working in the optimal conditions expected for the production of quality parts equal to the required standards (for example parts produced while the plant is still working in a set-up phase or has not yet reached the conditions necessary to become fully operational).

Tools made available by the platform


  • Plant OEE
    In the dedicated section, the OEE values, components and timing are reported in a concise and timely manner.
OEE Parameter Description %
Availability Run Time/Planned Production Time 98%
Performance Net Run Time/Run Time 97%
Quality Fully Productive Time/Net Run Time 94%
Overall OEE Fully Productive Time/Planned Production Time 89.36%
Planning efficiency Planned Production Time/Plant Calendar 100%
OEE grafico
  • Plant OEE trend on a time basis
    It is possible to evaluate the evolution of the OEE trend, for the specific time range through the specific functionality made available on the user interface.
grafico trend oee impianto
  • Machine OEE trend on a time basis
    the system allows you to evaluate, on a temporal basis, the evolution of the OEE index for each individual machine on the line.
grafico trend oee macchina
  • Machine comparison table (OEE classification)
    The platform, in addition to the global plant index, provides a detailed report relating to the performance achieved by each spot, ordered in such a way as to obtain a ranking to allow evaluations relating to the intervention points.
tabella comparativa macchine
  • Analysis of processed batches over a time range
    The calculation model, for the time range under analysis, provides a detailed list of the lots involved in the calculation.
  • Reporting
    the platform, in addition to allowing the timely extraction of the OEE report from the graphic interface, offers the possibility of configuring an automatic report generation and sending metric for a specific list of recipients.
  • Synoptic of the system shown
    Two easily usable links are made available to project both the current day’s OEE and the performance analysis for the current batch onto any plant monitors.